GIC Daisy

GIC Daisy Polarny Błękit*PL

Daisy was born in our cattery. She inherited her character and appearance from her parents, drawing the best from both. She is a wonderful mother who cares about her children. A purr and pets that are few. She earned the title of Champion on November 4, 2023, at an international cat show in Brno, the title of International Champion on December 3, 2023 at an international cat show in  Błonie, and the title of Grand International Champion on February 17, 2024 at an international cat show in  Parndorf in Austria.

Date of birth: 04.09.2021

Sex: Female

EMS code: Rag n04 (Seal Mitted)

Father: Kabi Przytulanka*PL

Mother: Tola PonCat*PL

Pedigree: Daisy FPL

Blood type: A/b
Full genetics: Clear genetics based on parents’ test results (please refer to the parents’ results).

Daisy Cat Show Results

2023.09.02Wrocław, PL9Ex2
2023.09.03Wrocław, PL9Ex2
2023.10.21Gliwice, PL9Ex1, CAC, NOM
2023.10.22Gliwice, PL9Ex1, CAC
2023.11.04Brno, CZ9Ex1, CAC (CH), NOM
2023.11.05Brno, CZ7Ex1, CACIB
2023.12.02Błonie, PL7Ex1, CACIB, NOM
2023.12.03Błonie, PL7Ex1, CACIB (IC), BIV, NOM
2024.01.06Ostrava, CZ5Ex1, CAGCIB, BIV, NOM
2024.01.07Ostrava, CZ5Ex1, CAGCIB,
2024.02.10Viničné, SK5Ex1, CAGCIB, NOM
2024.02.11Viničné, SK5Ex1, CAGCIB
2024.02.17 (I)Parndorf, AT5Ex1, CAGCIB
2024.02.17 (II)Parndorf, AT5Ex1, CAGCIB (GIC)