Litter D Father: Kabi Przytulanka*PL Mother: Tola PonCat*PL We were born on 04.09.2021 Name: D’Ragnar Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: boy Color: blue colorpoint Status: He lives in Oświęcim with Kornelia & Adam Name: D’Konan Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: boy Color: blue colorpoint Status: He went to podkarpacie region with Lukasz Name: D’Crackers Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: girl Color: blue colorpoint Status: She went to Warsaw with Kinga and Ash Name: Dalia Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: girl Color: blue colorpoint Status: She went to Arystokotragi*PL caterry Name: Dakota Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: girl Color: seal colorpoint Status: She stayed with us Name: Daisy Polarny Błękit*PL Sex: girl Color: seal mitted Status: She stayed with us